Let Me Guess... You Tried to Do A Mental Diet But...

  • You're struggling to balance that with your inner work

  • You hate flipping every thought

  • You feel anxious when affirming over your doubts

  • It feels invalidating to your current feelings and circumstances

  • Ignoring the 3D seems impossible

Hear It From My Clients!

I'm On Your Side - Not A Fan of Affirming All Day or Spiritual Bypassing

You Want A LIFELONG Approach

If you choose to do it lifelong, that means with every song you listen to, every outing with your friends, every conversation with your partner, every walk in the park, etc... you'll have to flip in every moment everything you see, hear & think.

When would you actually enjoy the fruits of your desire?

You don't need to completely abandon your inner work to do a strict mental diet.

You don't need to affirm over your anxiety or tears to "keep your manifestation” just like you don't suddenly lose your house or your family for having 3 bad days.

Instead, you want to break the habit of BELIEVING and GIVING into your old story, and develop a habit of selecting the new story in a way that it STICKS & aligns immediately.

Offer Details

This is a 50-page workbook (SELF-STUDY!) that will dive deep into working through your triggers, 3D opposition, and how to create a perfect blend & balance between your inner work and your mental diet.

It consists of:

  • Lessons, activities, questions & a weekly tracker to help you master your mental diet + how to truly embrace your inner power
  • Tips, tools & tricks to uncover the root of inconsistency, ways to stay focused, sustain your results & shift back to the new state even when the 3D is in your face!
  • My method & personal expertise: The RIGHT way to validate your feelings without DWELLING in the old stories (Step-by-step approach included!)
  • 2x New Routines to combat your logical mind, dissolve doubts, recover from burnout, detach & set new associations to your reality
  • State Test x3

Hear It From My Clients!